How to Cope with an Economic Crisis in Pakistan: Tips for Normal People

Syed Waqar Hussain
3 min readMay 10, 2023
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Pakistan is no stranger to economic crises, with periods of high inflation, unemployment, and currency devaluation affecting millions of people. While the government and policymakers have a crucial role to play in addressing these issues, ordinary people can also take steps to cope with the impact of an economic crisis. Here are some tips for normal people in Pakistan to cope with an economic crisis:

  1. Create a budget: One of the most important steps in coping with an economic crisis is to make a budget and stick to it. This can help you track your expenses, prioritize your spending, and avoid overspending. Start by listing all your sources of income and then subtract your fixed expenses such as rent, utilities, and transportation. This will give you a clearer picture of how much money you have left over for other expenses.
  2. Reduce unnecessary expenses: Look for ways to cut back on non-essential expenses such as eating out, entertainment, and luxury items. This can help you save money and stay within your budget. For example, you can prepare your meals at home instead of eating out, watch movies at home instead of going to the cinema, and avoid buying expensive clothing or gadgets.
  3. Increase savings: Try to save as much money as possible, even if it’s just a small amount each month. This can help you build an emergency fund and provide a cushion in case of unexpected expenses. You can open a savings account in a bank or invest in a safe investment option that offers higher returns than a savings account.
  4. Look for additional income sources: If you are struggling to make ends meet, consider looking for additional income sources such as a part-time job, freelancing, or selling items you no longer need. This can help you increase your income and provide some financial stability during an economic crisis.
  5. Invest wisely: If you have some money to invest, it’s important to do so wisely. This means avoiding high-risk investments that could result in losses and instead choosing safe and reliable investment options such as fixed deposits or government-backed schemes. Do your research and seek advice from a financial expert if needed.
  6. Stay informed: Keep yourself informed about the latest economic developments in Pakistan, such as changes in interest rates, inflation, and government policies. This can help you make informed decisions about your finances and prepare for any potential changes that may impact your financial situation.

Let’s agree to it that coping with an economic crisis in Pakistan can be challenging, but by following these tips, normal people can take steps to manage their finances and stay afloat during tough times. Remember to create a budget, reduce unnecessary expenses, increase savings, look for additional income sources, invest wisely, and stay informed. By taking these steps, you can improve your financial situation and weather the storm of an economic crisis.

